Psychometric Profiling

What is Psychometric Profiling?

Understanding and appreciating differences in people is a necessary skill in every walk of life. Psychometric profiling is a standard and scientific method used to measure and understand these differences.

All assessments are completed online.  The results are then compiled into a report – various types of reports are available, depending on the profiling tool used.  The report is then given to the individual either in a 1 to 1 Coaching Feedback session or in a workshop in the case of MBTi and Insights Discovery.

1 to 1 Coaching Feedback sessions can be conducted either on-site or virtually over a video call.

May be completed partially or entirely online.

Myers Briggs Type indicator (MBTi)

Insights Discovery

16 Personality Factors Assessments

Emotional Intelligence – EQ 360 Feedback

Emotional Intelligence – EQi-2.0