
Short on time but still need to increase your capabilities in some core areas, then our 4 Hour Leadership Mini Workshops are ideal for you.

Our Leadership mini workshops are immersive, highly interactive & practical workshops which are guaranteed to increase your skill set quickly and effectively.

Laura Fitzsimons

Facilitating Effective Meetings/Conference Calls for Leaders


Facilitating meetings effectively is essential to any Product Managers, Project Manager and Leaders skill set.

   Identifying the key skills, role and functions of an effective Facilitator

   Facilitating questions & answers

   Facilitating and diplomatically manage challenging behaviours

   Applying best practise to conference/video calls

   Role play mock meeting/conference call

   Review, feedback and identification of key learning from activity

   Leadership Road Map & Action Plan

   Better use of time for you and your organisation through more effective facilitation of meetings

   Strategies for coping with challenging people when facilitating meetings

   Enhanced communication and facilitation skills for a more successful outcome at meetings

   Where else could I use the skills I learn on a Facilitating Effective Meetings/Conference Calls for Leaders course?
The skills you will learn on the Facilitating Effective Meetings/Conference Calls for Leaders course can also be used when running a workshop, a training session or when presenting a presentation to a group.

   I find it difficult to deal with challenging people when facilitating a meeting. How will this course address this?
We work on a specific module ‘Diplomatically manage challenging behaviours’ which covers how to deal with challenging people and their behaviours in an assertive way. We also incorporate some challenging behaviours into some of the mock meetings so you get first-hand, guided experience of managing the behaviours.

   How is the course run?
All SkillWorks courses are highly interactive and highly participative. Modules are run in a workshop format with opportunities to question, discuss, record and practise new skills.

If you would like further information on this, or any other of our services, please contact us

on 086-814 5189

or at info@skillworks.ie

    Coaching Skills for Leaders


    Coaching is one of the core skills identified by the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) for Leaders. Learning to coach will empower and instil confidence in your team members.

       Benefits of coaching to the individual and the organisation

       Understanding and applying the GROW (Goal, Reality, Options and Way Forward) model

       Questioning techniques & sample Coaching questions

       Effective non-verbal communication

       Creating and maintaining rapport & trust

       Role play mock meeting/conference call

       Review, feedback and identification of key learning from activity

       Leadership Road Map & Action Plan

       Empower team members to provide their own solutions to specific work-related issues

       Improve your questioning skills

       Provide your team member with greater ownership and responsibility

       I’ve been leading people for awhile. How will coaching benefit them?
    Coaching is one of the core Leadership skills identified by The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD). On this course, you will learn how to help people increase their self-awareness and become pro-active in providing their own solutions to work-related issues.

       What other skills will I gain from this course?
    You will increase your listening skills and questioning skills which will add to your repertoire as an effective communicator and therefore will enhance your communication skills at meetings, on conference calls, in negotiations as well as assist you when giving feedback.

       How is the course run?
    All SkillWorks courses are highly interactive and highly participative. Modules are run in a workshop format with opportunities to question, discuss, record and practise new skills.

    If you would like further information on this, or any other of our services, please contact us

    on 086-814 5189

    or at info@skillworks.ie

      Giving Effective Feedback for Leaders


      Being able to give feedback is an essential skill of any Leader / Manager. This course is for Leaders / Managers who would like a clear structure to follow in order to get the best from the person receiving the feedback.

         Purpose and benefits of providing feedback effectively

         Do’s and don’ts of giving feedback

         Importance of using assertive, non-verbal communication when giving feedback

         Explanation of CEDAR (Context, Examples, Discuss, Actions and Review) model © Anna Wildman 2003

         How to use the CEDAR model to provide feedback on a person’s negatively impacting behaviour

         Role play mock meeting/conference call

         Role-plays using CEDAR model & debrief

         Leadership Road Map & Action Plan

         Understand the benefits of giving feedback effectively both to the individual and the organisation

         Empower team members to address their negative behaviour or / and actions

         Have a clear, straight-forward structure to use when giving feedback

         I find it difficult to give someone feedback on their negative behaviour. Will this course address this?
      Yes, this course will provide you with a clear structure to implement when giving feedback either on behaviour as well as general performance.

         I find it difficult to come up with examples of behaviour or / and performance when giving feedback. Will I learn how to do this on this course?
      You will learn the importance of collating examples prior to the feedback meeting on the course. You will also learn the importance of setting out clear goals and objectives on a regular basis so you can explain where the person is not achieving their goals / objectives in a clear way.

         How is the course run?
      All SkillWorks courses are highly interactive and highly participative. Modules are run in a workshop format with opportunities to question, discuss, record and practise new skills.

      If you would like further information on this, or any other of our services, please contact us

      on 086-814 5189

      or at info@skillworks.ie

        Collaborative Leadership


        This course is suitable for Leaders / Managers who want to move from the old autocratic style of Leadership and to Collaborative Leadership to get the best from their people.

           Introduction to Collaborative Leadership

           Benefits of Collaborative Leadership

           Characteristics & behaviours of the Emotionally Intelligent Collaborative Leader

           Building and leading high performing teams through Collaborative Leadership

           Leadership Road Map & Action Plan

           Understand the Benefits of using a Collaborative Leadership style

           Learn how to use your existing positive Leadership characteristics to empower your teams

           Learn how to put Collaborative Leadership into Action immediately

           What skills will I learn on this course?
        This a mind-set and behavioural change course therefore, you will learn how to use and tweak your existing skills to be a more effective and collaborative leader.

           Will I be able to use what I learn immediately?
        Yes, you will learn how to adjust your way of thinking and your approach to leading people straight away.

           How is the course run?
        All SkillWorks courses are highly interactive and highly participative. Modules are run in a workshop format with opportunities to question, discuss, record and practise new skills.

        If you would like further information on this, or any other of our services, please contact us

        on 086-814 5189

        or at info@skillworks.ie

          Communication Skills for Leaders


          Everyone can communicate but not everyone can communicate effectively. This course is ideal for Leaders or Managers who want to ensure they achieve what they set out to achieve when communicating. The course also covers how to ensure there is clarity in your message so it’s not open to interpretation.

             Profiling your participant to ensure you meet their needs & wants

             Knowing your communication style and how to adapt to the communication style of others

             Scoping out your objective to ensure you achieve what you set out to achieve

             How to use effective phrasing to gain clarity in your communication

             Knowing how to use your voice effectively to get your message across in an assertive manner

             Leadership Road Map & Action Plan

             Gain clarity in your message

             Know how to adapt your communication style to suit others’ styles

             Know how to tweak your phrasing to ensure your message is clear and concise

             How will this course make be a more effective communicator?
          This course will make you a more effective communicator by showing you how to identify what you want to achieve as a result of communicating and how to phrase sentences clearly and concisely for maximum impact.

             Will I be able to use what I learn immediately?
          Yes, all of the learning from this course can be implemented immediately.

             How is the course run?
          All SkillWorks courses are highly interactive and highly participative. Modules are run in a workshop format with opportunities to question, discuss, record and practise new skills.

          If you would like further information on this, or any other of our services, please contact us

          on 086-814 5189

          or at info@skillworks.ie